Sunday, April 30, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
I'm Not Happy


Friday, April 14, 2006
This Morning's Walk

Some little kamakaze squirrel kept following us toward the end of our dinnertime walk. I tried to keep the boys away, but the little squirrel kept pressing his luck, which eventually ran out. I got Bean to drop it, but too late. Then Wally wouldn't let go after he grabbed it. A nice neighbor saw the commotion and brought some dog treats to distract him. Eventually we were able to get him to drop it, but somehow he managed to eat a few treats while the squirrel was still in his mouth. I called the vet, but they didn't seem too concerned about the adventure. Just to be sure, I also called the Health Dept, but same response there. Apparently squirrels pose little threat to pets, but probably more to themselves.

Sunday, April 09, 2006
One of my last photos of Oscar (left) on a walk under the powerlines with my wife and our hounds.
He had a good last day, rode in the truck, went to the pet store, even had enough energy to romp around a little. He got extra doggie treats.
Oscar was a great dog and will be sorely missed. I think of the old Twilight Zone episode with the hunter and his dog who end up at what he's told is the gate to heaven. All he'd have to do is leave his dog behind. Of course he wouldn't. Turns out that the gatekeeper wasn't for heaven. He later was approached by another fellow who said of course dogs are allowed. The other side just doesn't give up until the last minute. So he goes.
Non-dog owners may not understand, but I think those we love, even our pets, will be waiting for us when it's time.

One of my last photos of Oscar (left) on a walk under the powerlines with my wife and our hounds.
He had a good last day, rode in the truck, went to the pet store, even had enough energy to romp around a little. He got extra doggie treats.
Oscar was a great dog and will be sorely missed. I think of the old Twilight Zone episode with the hunter and his dog who end up at what he's told is the gate to heaven. All he'd have to do is leave his dog behind. Of course he wouldn't. Turns out that the gatekeeper wasn't for heaven. He later was approached by another fellow who said of course dogs are allowed. The other side just doesn't give up until the last minute. So he goes.
Non-dog owners may not understand, but I think those we love, even our pets, will be waiting for us when it's time.